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Beard implantation is performed according to the same process as that used for hair transplantation with the aim of reconstructing or densifying a beard or else correcting scarring alopecia of the beard or mustache.

What should be done before the procedure?

Wash beard and hair with isobetadine soap before coming to the office.

Do not consume alcohol, coffee or tea on the day of the operation.

Come with comfortable clothes.

It is not necessary to be on an empty stomach for the procedure.

How does the intervention take place?

The operation lasts in total, depending on the number of grafts required, between 2h and 5h and is performed under local anesthesia with pre-medication. The first step is to collect the hair from the back of the skull in the occipital area. The harvest, like hair transplants, can be done in two different ways:

  1. FUT: Take a small strip from the back of the skull. This strip measures between 2 and 10 cm. This area is then closed with a suture or staples. This strip is then divided into follicular units of 1 or 2 hairs. This technique is faster to perform but has the disadvantage of leaving a visible scar on the back of the head if one day you decide to shave.
  2. FUE: Collection of follicular units by follicular extraction. The follicles are taken one by one from the previously shaved occipital region. The advantage is that there is no scar visible to the naked eye, but the disadvantage is that you have to shave the back of your head.

What treatment after the operation?

  • Antibiotic treatment for 3 days.
  • Pain relief if necessary for 3 days.
  • An anti-swelling treatment for 3 days.
  • Local care: physiological serum to be sprayed regularly on the beard for 2 days and then from the third day, wash the beard 2 x per day for 7 days to try to gently peel off the crusts.

What are the post-operative consequences?

  • No bandage is applied to the implanted beard, ideally the grafts should remain in the air.

  • Swelling of the face may appear within 24 to 48 hours of the procedure. It will take 2 to 4 days to disappear.

  • In the 2 to 3 days following the operation, small scabs will form on the grafted area. These will take around 7-10 days to fall off

  • Within 2 to 3 months after the operation, the implanted beard area may appear pink before completely whitening, this is due to the inflammation caused by the operation.

  • The regrowth of new beard hair will take place from the 3rd month following the operation.

  • 12 months are needed to judge the final result of the intervention.

Can there be any complications following the procedure?

Beard implantation is an effective and safe technique with very few complications; However, like any surgery, sometimes there can be.

Epidermal cysts and small skin abscesses represent the most frequent: they can appear on the grafted region or on the area of ​​the harvest. They are often eliminated spontaneously and do not compromise the quality of the end result.

Scalp or beard sensitivity disorders may also appear. This different sensitivity is due to damage to certain small nerves in the skin during the procedure. This is temporary and resolves spontaneously in the months following the procedure.

Micro-reliefs created by the healing of the implants can persist for several months after the operation. This is usually not visible to the naked eye, but can be grainy to the touch and become more noticeable if you shave very closely.
