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Lip plumping by injection of hyaluronic acid: a luscious mouth

The swelling of the lips by  hyaluronic acid  is carried out in 10 minutes.

The result lasts  8 to 12 months.

For the most natural result possible, it is advisable to do a first session of injections and depending on the result; a touch-up within 2 weeks if necessary.

Objectives of lip plumping:

Hyaluronic acid recreates a plumper mouth through 2 combined actions:

  • Redraw the contour of the lips : c. to d. bring out a lip that fits, and thus redefine a more sensual mouth.
  • Thicken a lip to restore volume and a more curved, fuller appearance.

What are the causes of thin lips?

  • Most often linked to the patient’s morphology, thin lips can affect women of any age.
  • Lip thinning can also be caused by aging as well as extrinsic factors such as: prolonged sun exposure, tobacco and alcohol.

What acid for lip swelling?

Due to its mobility and strong vascularization, the lip is an area where hyaluronic acid is rapidly resorbed. The lip requires a product adapted to these constraints.

We therefore use a highly cross-linked hyaluronic acid in order to obtain a product that is more resistant to resorption, in order to guarantee an optimal duration (8 to 12 months).

How does the lip swelling session with hyaluronic acid take place?


The lip is richly innervated, so we always perform contact anesthesia by applying an anesthetic cream 30 minutes to 1 hour before the injection.

In addition, we inject hyaluronic acid containing lidocaine (a powerful local anesthetic), to reduce pain as the lip modeling progresses.

After the injections

The lips can be swollen for 48 hours to 4 days maximum. The application of ice helps to reduce edema.

The resumption of social and professional activities can be immediate.

What is the result of lip plumping with hyaluronic acid?

The result is  immediate . It is visible, just after the injection of hyaluronic acid.

A period of a few days is necessary to assess the final result. This is the time needed for the reaction edema to disappear.

The result is evaluated after about ten days and a touch-up is carried out if necessary. 
