Make an appointment +32 2 306 40 40 MON-FRI from 9:30am to 1pm — 1:30pm to 6:30pm — SAT from MON-FRI from 9:30am to 1pm — 1:30pm to 5pm


Hair mesotherapy is a subcutaneous injection of a mixture of vitamins, B-pantene, biotin, trace elements and antioxidants. Multiple injections also promote collagen production.

For whom?

For patients with damaged, thin, losing shine and healthy hair.

What effects and when?

Boosting effect on the quality of the hair obtained in 1 month. The effect lasts over time and may last for a few months after 5 sessions.

What are the instructions before hair mesotherapy?

  • Do not have an active herpes simplex rash or any other infection (even acne breakout) or open wound in the area to be treated.
  • Tell your doctor if you have taken Roaccutane in the past 12 months, as this may affect your treatment.

What are the instructions after hair mesotherapy?

  • Hair mesotherapy is invisible.

  • Hairdresser, washing, and dyeing authorized immediately.

  • Work, sport and driving authorized immediately.

What is the predictable budget?

See our prices

How many sessions?

1 session for radiance, 5 sessions spaced 1 month apart for optimal results.


Les photos présentes sur ce site sont des photos illustratives et ne sont pas les résultats d’interventions pratiquées au sein du centre.  Malgré que l'on trouve des photos de résultats sur beaucoup de sites internet, leur présence est condamnée par l'Ordre des Médecins en Belgique, raison pour laquelle vous n'en verrez pas ici. Par contre, lors de la consultation, de très nombreuses photos vous seront montrées, vous permettant de juger la qualité du travail accompli.