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Make an appointment +32 2 306 40 40 MON-FRI from 9:30am to 1pm — 1:30pm to 6:30pm — SAT from MON-FRI from 9:30am to 1pm — 1:30pm to 5pm


What is the PRF ?

PRF (fibrin-rich plasma) is the latest advance in platelet concentrates.
platelet concentrates.
Its special feature is that it contains fibrin, which facilitates the progression and work
and work of the cells.
PRF improves skin quality and naturally restores its volume.
its volume.

It combines two major effects:
– Skin regeneration, improvement and rejuvenation, because it contains
powerful stimulants: growth factors (as in PRP).
– The volumizing effect: PRF provides natural dermal filling
and reduce the depth of dark circles, nasolabial folds, etc.


What is the difference with PRP injections ?

The differences with PRP injections lie in the volumizing effect, the slow and constant release of growth factors (one to two weeks for PRF and 4h for PRP) and the concentration of platelets, which is 10X higher in PRF.

How does a PRF session work ?

The session takes place in the same way as a PRP session.
The practitioner takes a blood sample, which is then placed in a centrifuge.
centrifuge, which separates the blood components and retains only the
Fibrinogen-rich plasma. This is then re-injected into the area to be
to be treated.

For who ?

PRF injections are highly effective for anyone wishing to add volume to areas of their face lacking in volume, or who wants to improve the appearance of their skin, firm it up and rejuvenate it.

What areas are treated ?

Facial areas (dark circles and nasolabial folds)

How many sessions ?

Depending on age and desired effect, we recommend between 1 and 3 sessions, followed by one renewal session per year.

Undesirable effects

PRF is totally natural, as it comes from your own body. It is therefore 100% biocompatible and carries no risk of allergy or rejection.
As with all injections, slight redness or inflammatory reactions may occur, but these disappear within a few days.
