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Hair & Face Clinic

Why and how was the Hair and Face Clinic born?

Anja Vujovic and Olivier Oth were just 16 when they met at the Athénée des Pagodes in 2002.

10 years later, they both graduated in medicine from the Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB).

Dr Anja Vujovic went on to specialize in dermatology, and more specifically in hair pathology, while Dr Olivier Oth specialized in stomatology and facial aesthetics at various ULB hospitals.

15 years after meeting, they opened their first private practice together in their home in Wemmel. Their business expanded rapidly, and the practice soon became too small.

The Hair and Face Clinic opened in January 2020.

Hair for Dr Vujovic, who decided to devote himself exclusively to hair pathologies and hair transplants.

Face for Dr. Oth, dedicated to facial aesthetics and stomatology.

Clinic because the now 250 square-meter facility also houses: a dentistry and orthodontics department, an aesthetic medicine and plastic surgery department, a cosmetology and laser department, a psychology department and a blood-testing laboratory.

The Hair and Face Clinic is the fruit of a long-standing love and professional union.

The clinic

Hair and Face Clinic is a medical clinic that brings together various hair and face care specialties :

  • hair pathologies and transplants,
  • stomatology and dental implantology,
  • plastic surgery and aesthetic medicine,
  • cosmetology and lasers,
  • dentistry and orthodontics,
  • psychology,
  • blood tests
Hair & Face Clinic
